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Maximising Impact: Capitalisation and Policy Integration for Interreg


The first results of 2021-2027 projects are starting to arrive. Local and regional authorities are taking the centre stage. The new EU Parliament is in place. Programmes are now actively considering capitalisation approaches by organising specific calls or thinking about the project result transfer to policy level, potentially also to other funds. It is all getting aligned, and now it is "just" about making it happen.

Having an impact in the territory and at policy level are of great relevance for Interreg project results, and that could now well be within reach. During this event, programmes will explore and discuss about the main challenges and practices of project transfer, policy level outreach within the thematic EU policy framework, and links with other funding programmes. This will also provide a summary on all the capitalisation support provided and available by Interact, and looking together into the future of capitalisation.

The draft agenda for this event is available here. 


Start at: 23 October 2024 13:00

End at: 24 October 2024 13:00

End at: 24 October 2024 13:00

* All times as per central Europe (CET/CEST)


Paris, France


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Start at: 23 October 2024 13:00

End at: 24 October 2024 13:00

End at: 24 October 2024 13:00

* All times as per central Europe (CET/CEST)


Paris, France


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