Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

The website is the single-entry point to the wider Interreg world.  The site serves the Interreg community, and also provides a platform to promote the whole Interreg world in one place.  In the coming months, the website will be revamped to better serve this purpose. 

Where to start

The current site is being redeveloped. More information about this will follow in due course. As the website is intended to act as a collective-community wide platform to celebrate cooperation, Interact will actively share further insight with communication officers through the Interreg Communication Officers Network. You are invited to join the network to find out more.

What we are working on

The new site is planned to be live in the beginning of 2025. As part of the set-up phases we will be creating content guidelines and more, as well as working collaboratively to develop the site and launch content. 


For more information please contact Eva Martínez.

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