Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Interreg Slam

The Interreg Slam has become a staple moment in the promotion of Interreg results, and proved as a powerful visibility tool for the whole Interreg community, both within EU circles and in the regions where the videos are showcased. 

The Slam has run since 2017, and each year we have succeeded to provide ever-increasing reach, both in-person, and online, peaking at 3.1 million people in 2023. 

The Interreg Slam is evolving, to stay up to date with trends in effective communication, it has trained hundreds of people in storytelling, video making and more since it was launched. 

Where to start

The Interreg Slam takes place in the autumn, usually around the time of EU Regions Week, or similar. 

To take part in the competition, programmes are asked to encourage their projects to apply. Interact creates a committee to review the submissions and agree the finalists who receive specialist training in order to produce high quality videos and performance, which can be used time and again to promote Interreg projects, as well as the wider community.

Keep an eye out in March and April for the application window, which will be announced through our Newsflash! 

What we are working on

The plan for 2024 includes an updated format, with focus on projects with distinct impact. Finalists will receive specialised training in storytelling, ahead of the live performance planned to be held during the Slam finale. 


For more information please contact Stoyan Kanatov.

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