Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Closing programmes 2014-20

The programme closure refers to the final settlement of programme payments either through payment of final balance by the EC or decommitment or recovery payment by the programme. With the system of annual examination and acceptance of accounts, a significant simplification of the closure procedure was introduced. The final closure of the programme is therefore based only on the documents relating to the final accounting year and the final implementation report.

Where to start

The Commission guidance on programme closure offers the best starting point on this subject. (Please note, that the Guidance is being updated due to amendments to Common Provision, Art 25a and 135, by STEP-Regulation.)

The core tasks were also explored in a Webinar organised by Interact (links below).

What we are working on

We are updating the Programme Management Handbook Fact Sheet on Programme Closure. The topic is also one the main issues for several financial networks, such as Audit Authorities and Certifying Authorities/Accounting Function. 

In October, there will be a dedicated webinar on Programme Closure. 


For more information please contact Sanna Erkko.

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