Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Macro-regional strategies

There are four EU macro-regional strategies (MRS), which provide a framework for more territorial cooperation and change. They are the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR), and the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region

The MRS are implemented by coordinating efforts and pooling resources (human, financial, organisational, etc) to address challenges outlined in their respective Action Plans. Interreg programmes, particularly transnational programmes, play a crucial role in providing significant funding for the governance and implementation of MRS. In addition to supporting Interreg in aligning their funding with MRS objectives, Interact supports cross-MRS exchange of practice and mutual learning.  

Who this network is for

This activity is organised to support those managing and implementing the MRS, primarily targeting MRS strategy points. 

What we are working on

In addition to ongoing activities to support the MRS, including support to strategic communication and embedding, together with MRS strategy points we are elaborating service to further enhance monitoring and evaluation systems in the MRS, with a particular focus on capturing macro-regional change.

A workshop during the Mediterranean Coast and Macro-Regional Strategies Week, planned to be held in the autumn, will focus on the practices to collect evidence of MRS change and on how to make achievements more visible.  

At the Interreg Knowledge Fair, a session will explore how MRS and SBS (Sea Basin Strategies) offer a framework for achieving more change in the territories, as well as a chance to focus on the challenges to involve in these frameworks for Interreg. Any regulatory issues that should be addressed as part of the reflection on the Post 2027 environment will be noted. 


For more information please contact Baiba Liepa

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