Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Outermost Regions

The EU Outermost regions (OMR) are European outposts in the global arena.

Five cooperation programmes, with 280 million euros, work in three geographic areas and support cooperation between EU member states (or their territories). The OMR regions are the Atlantic (Maderia - Azores - Canaries), Indian Ocean (Mozambique Channel, Indian Ocean) as well as the Caribean and Latin America (Amazonia and Caribean).

They work to address challenges including biodiversity, climate and seismic risks, youth employment and social inclusion.

Who this network is for

This work is designed specifically to support the five OMR programmes with their specific challenges.

What we are working on

An event in autumn 2024, back-to-back with another large event, will bring the programmes and Commission (DG REGIO and INTPA) to discuss key challenges in the current and post 2027 environment. 


For more information please contact Nicolas Garnier.

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