Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.


The Med Lab group is a platform to share and transfer knowledge based in the Mediterranean area who seek to develop improve synergies and complementarities across Interreg programmes and other funds acting in the area in order to boost the impact of the EU funds in the territory.

The network is particularly focused on developing these implementation synergies, considering the two geographical frameworks currently in the area. These are, the West Med Sea Basin Initaiive and the EUSAIR.

From the work of the Med lab Group, two spin offs groups developped, the Sustainable Tourism Mechanism and EUSAIR Action Lab.

Who this network is for

This network has an inclusive approach, from staff of the European Commission, Heads of Interreg Programmes (incl NEXT and IPA) operating in the Mediterranean, as members of the Monitoring Commitees, including representatives of geographical strategies as EUSAIR and West Med, and Union for theMediterranean. Rather than fixed boundaries, networks are largely open for those who perceive their programme as directly relevant.

What we are working on

The Med Lab Group works in three aspects:

Thematic: Focusing on those topics where synergies are easier to work on. Mainly related to environmental challenges.
Project cycle: Depending on the moment of the project life cycle the Med Lab will focus on programming, launching calls, assessments, capitalisation or advocacy.

Governace: Effective governance provides the framework and structure necessary for identifying, implementing, and sustaining synergies within Interreg and other EU funds. The two concepts are interrelated, with governance serving as the foundation for creating an environment conducive to synergistic collaboration and value creation

In addition to ongoing work to support the Med Lab group, the Index programme will be also rolled out for the Mediterranean programmes willing to work on complementarities from a very practical view. The pilot in the Mediterranean area is one of the three pilot currently developped.

Throughout the year, activities will also be organised to support the exchange of ideas, innovations and challenges for the Mediterranean area in Interreg post 2027.


For more information please contact Mercedes Acitores.

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