Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Project communication capacity

Projects are the front line, the exact space where EU funding meets end users, and the point at which the direct achievements of Interreg outputs are visible. While results should also be scaled up into programme and Interreg-wide communication, effective project communication is essential to both meet the regulatory requirements, as well as to convey the impact of EU funds to citizens. 

The tools, skills and trainings for increasing programme communication capacity often also apply to project management. 

Interact offers both short courses and certified trainings through the Academy, aimed to help programme officers facilitate project communication. In addition, the Commission organised INFORM EU network also a number of trainings, all of which can be found below and many watched online with no log in requirements.  

Where to start

The Interreg Brand Design Manual starts with the core explanation of the logo use, including for projects. 

Linked below are a series of trainings and resources which can support you. It is also strongly encouraged that the communication officers of every Interreg programme join ICON, the Interreg Communication Officers Network, where (among other things), the annual training is organised.

What we are working on

The annual ICON meeting is planned for late 2024, and is planned to focus on creating well written content designed for websites and social media. In addition, certified training courses for video making and storytelling will take place during the year.

At the Interreg Knowledge Fair, we exchanged on 'The ten elements that make a web story worth-reading', the report is available here.

An event in late spring will connect Capitalisation and Communication (CAP COM), which aims to showcase successful practices in these fields.

A webinar in April/May on 'How to write a good article?'. This session is addressed to IVY volunteers writing for the magazine 'Stories of European Cooperation' but it can be open for other participants upon request.  

A new toolkit, the Project Communication Toolkit is planned for late spring, to help programmes get their beneficiaries communication into shape quicker. Building on an exchange of practice from the Interreg Knowledge Fair in 2023, this toolkit collects best practices from a number of programmes, including the Interreg programme toolkit previously developed by Interact.

A new project will seek to build a significant collection of stock Interreg photography, combining high quality photos from programmes, along with AI generated photos covering key topics and common keywords in Interreg work. While all AI generated images will be clearly identified as generated by AI, the combined library will be offered to programmes royalty-free to support their work. 


For more information please contact Arkam Ograk

Exchange Community

Interact offers an online space for Interreg programme staff working in Interreg Communication to share information and exchange. If you would like to learn more about this, please contact Nebojsa Nikolic.

If you are already a member of the Community, you can access it here.

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