Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.


Interact supports Interreg programmes in working with European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation, or EGTCs. The European Committee of the Regions is the key stakeholder for EGTCs, with whom Interact cooperates closely. The Committee of the Regions maintains a register of all EGTCs and promotes their role and achievements.

EGTCs are cross-border legal entities and can take on various functions with regards to the programme. They can act as managing authorities, SPF beneficiaries, or project beneficiaries.

Where to start

The register of EGTCs is maintained by the European Committee of the Regions.

The majority of Interact's work is focused on the programme side of the relationship with EGTCs and is explored under other topics, such as Small Project Funds. If you have additional questions or interest in EGTCs, you are invited to contact us.

What we are working on

Please see our Small Project Funds page for the latest information on the primary work of Interact in supporting EGTCs.

Interact is also in continuous exchange with the European Committee of the Regions for their work in supporting EGTCs.


For more information please contact communication[at]

Additional resources

Role of EGTCs and Interreg was explored in an event.


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