Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Localism and PO5

Policy Objective 5, A Europe closer to citizens offered Interreg programmes a different way to generate and implement projects. In all, 11 programmes undertook this approach committing between 5 and 55 million EUR to this objective.

Interact is closely following the development of the strategies that will underpin the implementation of this policy objective.

Where to start

If you are interested in the application of PO5, please consult recent event materials listed below. 

You may find the intervention at the Interreg Knowledge Fair 2023 a useful start.

What we are working on

Two online exchanges, one in spring, one in autumn will enable programmes implementing PO5 to exchange experiences and practices.

The first event will focus on the role of the Strategic Implementing Body, while the second looks at the context of this work in the context of Post 2027.


For more information please contact Stoyan Kanatov.

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