Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Programme own consultations

Throughout 2024, Interreg programmes are invited to consult their stakeholders on the future of Interreg. Interact is facilitating and supporting inter-programme exchange on this matter through existing structures.

The work will ultimately inform the DG REGIO positions going into the review of regulations affecting Interreg, ahead of any drafting of future legislation.

Programmes are encouraged to also reach out to their desk officers for more information. The NEXT external cooperation programmes can also contact TESIM for more support.

Where to start

To support programmes, DG REGIO published a Toolkit on how to consult stakeholders, which can be accessed here.

Further support is available from Interreg IVY, who are recruiting special IVY volunteers to assist with aspects of these proposals.

What we are working on

Interact has a limited role in supporting this side of programmes own engagement. You are encouraged to use our regional and geographic networks to engage with other programmes on the consultation, as well as to reach out to your shared stakeholders to coordinate the consultation.

Interact will be conducting its own consultation, which will include liaising with programmes on our own work and how we can be more effective in supporting programmes in the Post 2027 context.


For more information please contact Kevin Fulcher.

Additional resources

Support for organising public consultations

A webinar on 23 February 2024 explored how programmes are approaching the consultation with their stakeholders, and hear from an expert in organising public consultation. This webinar was recorded.

The outline of approaches meeting

A kick-off webinar was hosted on 1 December 2023, which outlines the overall work plan and the reasons it is starting now. This webinar was recorded.


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