Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

A greener Europe (PO2)

Considering the growing effects of climate related challenges, it is crucial to continue supporting green actions in all European regions, in cooperation across borders. Matching the scale of the challenge, Policy Objective 2 "A Greener Europe" was a mandatory objective for all Interreg programmes, remaining one of Interreg's top focus to keep providing solutions that help build a greener, more sustainable future and positively impact citizens' daily lives.

Interact supports programmes working with PO2 to exchange on their experiences, ideas and solutions to better address these challenges together. The goal is to develop knowledge in order to support programme approaches, enhancing project results and impact, and showcase Interreg's achievements to wider stakeholders and extend their reach. 

The thematic network aims to cover many of the issues covered in PO2 under its specific objectives, namely climate change adaptation, disaster risk prevention, energy, circular economy, water management, biodiversity and nature protection, and sustainable urban mobility.

Who this network is for

The network is open to programme representatives involved in the management of projects under PO2. It also gathers thematic experts, European Commission representatives, stakeholders and other EU co-funding programmes that are interested in working on EU green policy.

What we are working on

The network relaunched in 2024 with several meetings in-person and online. We also represented Interreg at EU thematic weeks in Brussels (Green Week in May, Sustainable Energy Week in June).

In 2024, we focused mainly on shaping the future of Interreg, supporting the reflection on how can green challenges be better addressed in the next generation of Interreg programmes - this resulted in the Post-27 Consultation Report for a Greener Europe. This report builds upon interesting practices implemented in the current period, and we will continue with our discussions to ensure that we keep the focus on green topics and sustainability in Interreg after 2027.

This year we are back with our Webinar Series - where we bring one topic in spotlight, with experts bringing us up to speed with the latest developments, and showcase Interreg's success stories. The next edition will be in April, so stay tuned!

Our next event

We will have two "Green" sessions at the next Interreg Annual Event (InterregGo! 27-28 March, Gorizia-Nova Gorica) - one dedicated to Water Resilience and the other to Disaster Risk Management. Make sure to join us for interesting discussions and exciting project visits.


If you want to join this active community, share your project stories, or simply learn more, reach out to Nicolas Garnier.

Have a look at our library

Interreg addressing Climate Change: The power of cooperation for a Greener Europe

Post-27 Consultation Report for a Greener Europe

Greener Europe in Interreg post-27 - Community meeting (October 2024)

Interreg Knowledge Fair 2024 | Interreg for a Greener Europe - Presentation & Session report (March 2024)


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