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Regional Network meeting of programmes in Central and South-East Europe

Central and South East

The 16th edition of the annual Regional Network meetings is taking place in December in Athens.

The network brings together Interreg programmes active in Central and South-East Europe and creates an environment for programme experts to discuss and exchange with their peers on the hottest programme implementation topics.

The event is now fully booked and the registration has been closed.Update on 21.11.2023


Start at: 06 December 2023 12:30

End at: 07 December 2023 17:00

End at: 07 December 2023 17:00

* All times as per central Europe (CET/CEST)


Athens, Greece




Start at: 06 December 2023 12:30

End at: 07 December 2023 17:00

End at: 07 December 2023 17:00

* All times as per central Europe (CET/CEST)


Athens, Greece



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