12th HIT Core Group meeting
The HIT Core Group will meet for the 12th time.During this one day meeting the programmes will start and conclude their discussions on closure reporting. In addition, we will discuss some outstanding issues and agree on how to proceed.The meeting will be online in the morning for three hours.Kindly note that participation in this meeting is by invitation only for members of HIT Core group.Should you have questions, or wish more information, please contact the member of Interact's staff whose ...
Start On: 12 December 2023 09:15
Location: Online
Updated HIT Intervention Logic Factsheet available
The HIT intervention logic factsheet has been updated and is now available here.Our Interact experts on the Intervention logic noticed that the HIT Intervention logic factsheet figure 2 (the programme and project intervention logic links) was outdated. Additionally a new illustration for the programme intervention logic clarifying the description was added. All text within the factsheet remains unchanged. Therefore in brief, the factsheet has been updated with 2 new figures: Figure 1 and Fig ...
26 September 23 2 min read
12th HIT Core Group meeting agreed on the Project Final report template
On 12 December 2023, the HIT core group met for the 12th time. With the participation of, the programmes managed to agree on the final project report (related to project closure). The final template has been included in the HIT reporting package and can be found here.For any questions do not hesitate to get in touch with us through
22 January 24 1 min read