Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Central and South East Europe

Interact facilitates exchanges between programme bodies in Central and South East Europe. This network covers the whole of Central Europe, as well as the south eastern countries. This network links tightly with Interact's work to support Interreg IPA programmes, including such work with national authorities in IPA programmes who support the implementation of Interreg IPA programme.

The network aims to provide formats and opportunities for programmes to deepen cooperation with interact, and to exchange with each other on key issues and challenges.

Who this network is for

This network is aimed at programmes operating in Central and South East Europe. Rather than fixed boundaries, networks are largely open for those who perceive their programme is most directly relevant.

This network primarily aims to support exchange on the practical challenges facing MAs and JSs in the implementation of their programmes.  

What we are working on

An event in early Autumn is planned, which will explore the challenges facing programmes, and follow up on earlier discussions about the future of Interreg (Post 2027).


For more information please contact Arkam Ograk.