Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Atlantic Area

Interact supports collaboration among managing authorities within the Atlantic Region, a process led by the Interreg Atlantic Area programme.

The Interreg Atlantic Area programme is dedicated to fostering closer cooperation between managing authorities in the Atlantic Region. It leads a network that brings together six Interreg Managing Authorities along with regional European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) programmes. Furthermore, the programme organises an annual event designed to facilitate discussions on enhanced synergies in the Atlantic Region for greater impact.

The Atlantic Region geopolitically and economically is served by a European Union (EU) Sea Basin Strategy (“the Atlantic Strategy”) and a set of cohesion policy programmes that contribute to its sustainable development and to addressing the multiple challenges that the Atlantic regions face. The Managing Authorities (MAs) of the Atlantic Sea Basin are instrumental in the practical implementation of the Atlantic Strategy, ensuring that its overarching goals are achieved effectively and efficiently.

Who is it for? 

This cooperation involves managing authorities from the Atlantic Region, both Interreg programmes (Interreg Atlantic Area, Interreg SUDOE, Interreg North-West Europe, POCTEP, POCTEFA and MAC), and the IJG programmes.

What are we working on? 

'Interact supports this cooperation by co-organising events, supporting the MA network meeting implementation and by helping to develop practical approaches for joint activities.


For more information please contact Ilze Ciganska.


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