Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Celebrating the 6 finalists of the Interreg Slam 2024-2025

Interreg Slam

26 July 24 2 minutes read

The storytelling stage of the Interreg Slam has come to an end, and we are thrilled to share the results! The Interreg Slam is our beloved annual communication contest, showcasing the best projects and programmes´stories under Interreg. This year, we received an impressive 39 applications from 18 different Interreg programmes.

Each story we received was a testament to the values of the European Union, highlighting inspiring projects that, through cooperation and solidarity among regions, have improved access to healthcare, culture, employment, education, and much more! We extend our congratulations to everyone for their incredible efforts and inspiring achievements.

Without further ado, here are the six finalists for this edition:

1. Justice without Borders - Interreg France-Germany-Switzerland (Rhin supérieur/Oberrhein)

The project offers support to people seeking legal advice on everyday challenges in the German-French border region. A team of German- and French-speaking lawyers, notaries and bailiffs, provide information about the legal system in France in the areas of consumer law, family law, inheritance law, tenancy law, real estate law and more, as well as advice on the so-called simplified European court procedures.

2. PaNaNet+ - Interreg Austria-Hungary

The project “Pannonian Nature Network” (PaNaNet+) is a flagship project due to its complexity and integrated approach to natural and cultural heritage. It covers the cross-border region between Austria-Hungary and offers plenty of unique heritage sites that still remain undiscovered or sometimes even not known to the wider public. The project tries to fill this gap by promoting the region's hidden treasures.

3. Pallium - Interreg Italy - Switzerland

The project “Taking Care of and Improving the Quality of Life of Terminally Ill Patients and Their Relatives” (Pallium) aims to promote access to palliative care for the greatest number of patients, particularly in peripheral areas, encouraging them to remain at home, enjoying all the benefits related to the quality of life. The project works for the development of a technological solution to facilitate access to services and more timely assistance. It provides psychological support to families, as well as training of palliative care for operators and volunteers.

4. SMALL - Interreg North Sea

Shared bikes, scooters and vehicles are already transforming the way some of us move around the city. Gaps in the design and policy makes so that a large majority of these solutions are used exclusively by young urban adults; with many others left behind. The project “Shared multimodal Mobility for ALL (SMALL)” aims to change this through co-creation and by taking a people-focused approach, exploring how to make shared mobility accessible to children, families, the elderly and physically impaired people.  

5. Prosper BSR - Interreg Baltic Sea Region

The project empowers business support organisations from Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Germany, to integrate refugees and immigrants into labor markets, and ensure access to a skilled workforce at the same time. It aims to effectively assist refugees in entering the labor market by facilitating job placement through three key measures: Network Building, Capacity Building, App development.

6. SpeEd-2-Labour Market - ENI CBC Romania-Ukraine

The project aims to improve the quality of the special education in the cross-border area Suceava – Chernivtsi, through modernization of the educational frame and improving teacher´s competences, related to evaluation and training of disabled children. It also contributes to creating conditions for social and professional adjustment and easing the transition of these children to the labour market.

What comes next?

We will now collaborate closely with these finalists to create their promotional videos. By the end of the year, you can look forward to six brand-new videos showcasing these outstanding Interreg projects that have made a significant impact on our regions, embodying the core values of the EU.

Additionally, this European initiative includes a public voting opportunity. You will be able to vote for your favorite EU Values Interreg project video via Facebook. The excitement will culminate in a Grand Finale at the next Interreg GO! event in Nova Gorica / Gorizia (March 2025).

Thank you once again to all participants, and congratulations to our six finalists. Prepare to be inspired by their incredible stories of cooperation and solidarity!

Read Time: 2 minutes