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Save the date! 26-27 Sept 2024 – The next webinar on SCOs


05 June 24 1 min read

After the summer break we would like to meet with you and continue our exchanges on the SCOs topics.
Following on our exchanges during last Interreg knowledge fair, we would like to encourage you to draft the agenda of the event with us.  If there is some specific problem related to SCOs you would like to address during the webinar, or maybe there are ideas, experiences you wish to share with the community – please write us at sco[at] and we do our best to accommodate the topic during the event.
Among the topics we're thinking of there are continuation of exchanges on risk-based management verification and SCOs, practical aspects of application of unit costs (this time we would like to dedicate time to unit costs for different staff categories/performance groups and unit costs for events), how to assess and follow the implementation of projects using 40% flat rate, first lessons learnt from completed projects using SCOs design with the draft budget method. We will also dedicate some time for contemplation on the future of SCOs in the post 2027 programming period.

Read Time: 1 min

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