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What do you think of our new website?

Interact programme

23 May 24 2 mins read

You may not have noticed, but in the last week we rolled out some further improvements to the content of the website, which went live in January 2024.

We are about half-way through the development of the site, which is a brand-new system and a complete overhaul compared to our previous site.

We are hoping to implement some more features and bug-fixes in the coming months, especially focusing on mobile-friendly functionalities, search functionalities and improving the general navigation on the website. 

What do you think? Do the new menu layout, and content pages make it easier for you to get information? Are you frustrated at not being able to find something you know exists? We have a small survey where you can tell us what frustrates you! You can also reach out to us on Communication[at]

So please, let us know how our website could work better for you!


This survey is now closed

Read Time: 2 mins