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The Territorial Agenda 2030 review starts now!

Territoriality and SBS

19 March 24 1 min read

ESPON EGTC in cooperation with Interact is currently running a project on the ‘Stocktaking Review of the Territorial Agenda 2030’. This stocktaking will feed into the positioning of the Territorial Agenda in the preparation of Cohesion Policy post 2027 and a possible renewal of the Territorial Agenda, to be decided upon in 2025.

The aim of the project is to review the Territorial Agenda 2030, including reviews of the governance system, implementation progress and relevance of the priorities.

To do so, a survey has been launched. The survey collects inputs and reflections on the Territorial Agenda uptake, looking in how far the principles and priorities of the Territorial Agenda have been applicable to respondents’ work and in how far their applicability has changed over the last three years.

Your input is essential. We therefore invite you to fill in this short survey which will only take 15 minutes of your time. The link to the survey can be found here: . Please fill in the survey by 15 April 2024.

Read Time: 1 min