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Interact mourns passing of Bernhard Schausberger

Interact programme

07 October 24 2 mins read

It is with great sadness that Interact confirms the sudden passing of Bernhard Schausberger in early October 2024.

Bernhard was active in Interreg and cooperation for more than 20 years. Having been involved in the drafting of the first Interact programme whilst working in Cross Border Cooperation, Bernhard was a key member of the Interact team.

His interest in different approaches, in countries, in roles and in people reflected in the diverse topics he engaged in. He often said that the basis of cooperation was bringing people together to explain their perspectives and to understand each other’s work and ideas. He also continuously looked for innovative and entertaining ways to relay information.

Outside of work, Bernhard’s motorbike, his amateur welding work, and the love for old cars showed his affection for the sturdy things in life. Ever a kind and reliable colleague, his keen insights, supported by his appreciation of strong coffee, will be sorely missed. 

Interact has passed on the condolences of Interact and the wider Interreg community to the family for their sad loss.

Read Time: 2 mins

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