Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Join our stand at EU Regions Week

Interreg promotion

26 August 24 2 mins read

Interact has a stand at EU Regions Week, and alongside our planned work on the future of Interreg, we invite you to be visible with us!

Our stand is focused on the future of Interreg and Interact, and hope to see you at the stand to talk to us about the future. The stand should be a meeting point for all those in the Interreg community at EU Regions Week, as well as our base to meet external stakeholders to talk about cooperation, especially the future of cooperation.

We want to showcase what Interreg has achieved, and what it will achieve in this period. To do that, we are asking you for your help!

Can you share with us your great achievements, as well as your aspirations for 2021-2027 - what are the projects you are funding striving to achieve in this period?

A simple submission form, to be completed by 12 noon (CET) on Thursday 19 September, will enable us to quickly and effectively bring your individual good stories into a bigger picture of what is achieved. The examples collected will also serve as further inspiration as we make the case for 'Why Interreg'.

Download the concept note and the submission form, and share your inspiring impact with us, and Europe!

Read Time: 2 mins