Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Tell us what help you need in 2025!

Interact programme

23 August 24 2 mins read

In a few weeks, the Interact team will come together to define our work to support you in 2025.

While we think we know what you need, our opinion on this will never as good as yours!

Please take just a few moments to let us know where we can best support you, to ensure the success of Interreg, and ensure we are helping you face the primary challenges that lie ahead.

To help us do this; we would ask for your feedback by completing the following survey. We have heavily simplified this, and you can list as many (or as few) needs as you foresee.

Complete the survey here

You can find a copy of the survey below, which could be used to enable you to gather feedback from colleagues prior to submission. 

Read Time: 2 mins