Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Deadline extended to Friday 20 to complete our surveys on the future of Interreg!

Interreg wide consultation Programme evaluation and indicators Greener Europe Territoriality and SBS

03 September 24 4 mins read

Interact has launched four surveys on the future of Interreg. The surveys are open until 20 September. If you have not done so yet, please fill out the surveys to provide us with your input!

The survey results will complement other inputs collected by Interact, supporting key discussions for the future of Interreg, which will be discussed at the Harvesting event on 25 and 26 November.

 Interact will analyse and interpret the results, and present the key findings on 5 November, in the lead up to the Harvesting event.

Every programme is asked to contribute with one entry to each of the four surveys – i.e. a programme level response. 

Survey 1 | Synergies and cooperation 

Click to complete the synergies survey, or download a Word or PDF file to review.

This survey explores the way in which synergies and cooperation are working in the current period, and what lessons can be learned to set the context for the future.

The person most likely to be able to fill this out is someone close to the coordination work, who understands and is active in the work on interlinkages between programmes, and other funds and policies

Survey 2 | Maritime cooperation 

Click to complete the Maritime survey, or download a Word or PDF file to review.

For programmes with a maritime dimension. This survey will feed the discussions on the maritime dimension of Interreg programmes in the EU Regions Week session "Building strong maritime cooperation for sustainable growth in coastal and insular regions", led by the Committee of the Regions. These responses will also be shared with DG Regio for Post-2027 considerations.

Survey 3 | Interreg use of common indicators 

Click to complete the Indicators survey, or download a Word or PDF file to review.

This survey investigates the use of the common indicators in Interreg. Feedback will help determine which indicators should be retained, modified, or deleted, and whether there is a need to add any additional common Interreg indicators.

The person most likely to be able to complete this survey is someone experienced in the evaluation of the programme and its projects.

Survey 4 | The future of Greener Europe 

Click to complete the future of Greener Europe survey, or download a Word or PDF file to review.

Collecting input on the only mandatory policy objective for all Interreg programmes, the future of the EU green agenda is a key issue for programmes.

Most likely to be completed by a project officer with a specialism in green projects, or the head of a programme unit closely managing projects, this survey focuses on the best way to position Interreg for maximum impact in this field,


All surveys are open until 20 September. If you have any specific questions, please contact the survey owner, or communication[at]

Read Time: 4 mins