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Matrix of costs 2021-2027, Kick-off meeting


As announced in November, we are ready to launch the work on the Matrix of costs for 2021-2027. During this kick-off meeting, we plan to reflect on the old matrix, discuss the first ideas on the new document, discuss and agree on how we will organize the work, with the focus on 2023. We also want to share and exchange on the recent eligibility cases.
If you are interested and willing to contribute to the work on the matrix, you are welcome to join.

Target group
The staff of joint secretariats/ managing authorities and controllers of all Interreg programmes who are/will be working with the topic of eligibility of expenditures.

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Start at: 17 January 2023 09:30

End at: 17 January 2023 12:00

End at: 17 January 2023 12:00

* All times as per central Europe (CET/CEST)





Start at: 17 January 2023 09:30

End at: 17 January 2023 12:00

End at: 17 January 2023 12:00

* All times as per central Europe (CET/CEST)




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