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A description of the management and control system in 2021-2027


Article 69(11) CPR sets out the deadline for all Interreg programmes for the management and control system description to be in place (in accordance with the template available in Annex XVI CPR) as 30 June 2023. The deadline and the template to be used are the same for all Interreg programmes (incl. IPA-III CBC and Next programmes)
This event aims at discussing the main blocks of the description of the management and control system for the 2021-2027 programming period. We will look at the main changes of the document as compared to 2014-2020 and discuss the points of attention of the document. Interreg programmes that have already prepared the document are invited to participate in this online exchange to share their experiences with working on the document and their observations.
Target group
The staff of joint secretariats/ managing authorities of all Interreg programmes who are/will be working with the description of the management and control system.

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