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our job is to make it easier.

Workshop on PO5 #4

Localism (PO5 CLLD)

Policy Objective 5 (PO5) stands out among the objectives of Cohesion Policy since it is strategy-based and focused on the development of territories according to their specific needs. This is the fourth workshop in a series of workshops where we want to present the different approaches to PO5 and offer the opportunity for exchange among practitioners.

For this workshop we have invited the colleagues from Interreg Austria-Bavaria Programme to present their approach. In the second part of the meeting we wanted to offer the opportunity to exchange on specificities of PO5 when it comes to evaluation


Start at: 07 November 2023 10:00

End at: 07 November 2023 13:00

End at: 07 November 2023 13:00

* All times as per central Europe (CET/CEST)





Start at: 07 November 2023 10:00

End at: 07 November 2023 13:00

End at: 07 November 2023 13:00

* All times as per central Europe (CET/CEST)




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