Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

New partners in Interreg projects

Partnerships Y Project development Project life cycle

One of the biggest challenges that Interreg programmes are facing is the limited number and variety of project partners participating in their programmes. In many ways, the "Interreg world" is perceived as rather hermetic and prone to complicated and demanding procedures. On top of that, many times programmes compete with other instruments (e.g. mainstream programmes). As a result, many programmes suffer either from lack of projects in general or complain about having the same partnerships applying over and over. It is a serious challenge which may directly affect the overall programme performance (in terms of indicators) or at least compromise innovativeness of the submitted project ideas. On the other hand, even if a programme may be successful in attracting newcomers, it does not necessarily mean the end of the story. Many times, this is the moment when the real challenges start: the challenge of providing new organisations with effective support. It is never a good idea to leave such partners without increased supervision and dedicated support.


Therefore, Interact is inviting you to a “challenge-based workshop” where we will try to identify existing and new solutions that programmes can use to encourage and attract new partners to their programmes. We will also exchange on the most effective measures for supporting ongoing projects with inexperienced partners. All this with the aim of positively impacting the quality of the projects.


We foresee that the workshop will be based on contributions from all participants, with attendees actively participating in discussions and present their programme practices.

The agenda for this event is available here


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