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Risk-based management verifications in Interreg

Management verifications

The Risk-based management verifications (RBMV) in Interreg event will focus on implementing risk-based management verifications for the 2021-2027 programming period. This period marks a significant shift from previous practices, emphasising the need for management verifications proportionate to the risks identified ex-ante and documented in writing. Our event aims to provide a platform for Interreg programme institutions to discuss and exchange practical approaches, first results, lessons learned, and potential pitfalls in this new framework.

The event aims to enhance participants' understanding of risk management and promote collaboration within the Interreg community.

You can find the draft agenda here.


Start at: 07 November 2024 09:00

End at: 07 November 2024 17:00

End at: 07 November 2024 17:00

* All times as per central Europe (CET/CEST)


Budapest, Hungary


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Start at: 07 November 2024 09:00

End at: 07 November 2024 17:00

End at: 07 November 2024 17:00

* All times as per central Europe (CET/CEST)


Budapest, Hungary


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