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Indicators in action/3

Programme evaluation and indicators

The overarching aim of our discussion process on indicators is to develop a shared understanding on the current set of common indicators with a view to post 2027. We want to highlight key points that should be taken into consideration when developing the future set of common indicators. We would like to discuss these key points with the colleagues from Commission, wrap them up in a Report and present the key findings in the so-called “Harvesting event” on November 25-26 in Brussels to a wider audience of programme and Commission colleagues.

At the meeting in Vienna, we will summarize the main discussion points on the Interreg indicators that have been collected in previous discussions, including the IKF session in Riga on March 5 and the online events on May 15, June 24, and October 4. We will also discuss the survey outcomes and your qualitative feedback on the most popular common indicators in more detail. We will strive for a comprehensive perspective along the following criteria: definition and interpretation, assumptions and calculation issues for target setting, clarity for guidance to applicants and contracting, robustness in project monitoring and the usefulness when showcasing and communicating results. We will also collect and discuss amendments.

You can find the draft agenda here.


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