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Join forces in evaluation: Harmonizing the approach to highlight the added value of Interreg

Programme evaluation and indicators


We are excited to host the second meeting of Interreg programme representatives, who are collaborating to explore and highlight the added value of Interreg initiatives. In our initial meeting, participants shared their goals and expectations for this pilot project. Together, we agreed on a step-by-step approach, beginning with the exchange of diverse practices and leading to the joint formulation of evaluation questions.

Meeting aim:

The primary goal of this meeting is to share and understand different practices in perceiving and defining added value across various Interreg programmes. Our first objective is to reach a consensus on a working definition of added value. Future meetings will focus on developing common evaluation questions and, if the group is willing, further actions such as creating a unified evaluation approach, establishing an impact pathway, exchanging methods and data, and sharing common findings and messages.

In case you are not part of the pilot and you would like to join, please write an e-mail to us (Daniela Minichberger, Besiana Ninka and Bernhard Schausberger) under:


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