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Indicators in action

Programme evaluation and indicators

Background information

 The adoption of common indicators for Interreg has been successful. After the initial years of implementation, it's crucial to review practical experiences with these indicators. At the Interreg Knowledge Fair (IKF), we had a preliminary exchange and identified the need for deeper discussion to ensure a shared and supportive approach. During the May 15 online meeting, we agreed on the process and methodology for our informal working group to refine our approach to these indicators.

In our second meeting on June 24, we will examine the seven most popular common indicators for Interreg in more detail. The meeting is part of a broader discussion on the future of common indicators for the next period.

Further activities planned for 2024 include:

  •  a summer survey among all programmes,
  •  an in-person meeting in Vienna on October 22-23 to discuss key findings and draw major conclusions,
  • and the “Harvesting Event” taking place most likely on November 25-26, 2024.

The goal for 2024 is to provide first-hand experience to the Commission for drafting the future legal package expected by mid-2025. The whole process was developed together with the members of the informal working group and in close cooperation with Dora O’Neill and John Walsh from DG Regio’s Evaluation and European Semester unit.


In this meeting, we will continue discussing commonly used Interreg indicators that have generated debate in previous discussions (the IKF session in Riga on March 5 and the online event on May 15). We will focus on your feedback, provided in the Excel file, regarding the selected indicators.

The meeting is targeted at colleagues interested in our informal working group on indicators. Your participation and commitment to all planned activities and events until late autumn are crucial.

If you are not yet a member of the informal working group on indicators and are interested in participating in this meeting, please contact us!

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