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Harmonized approach to capture & highlight the added value of Interreg 9:00 - 10:00 CET. Joining forces in evaluation: launching Interreg’s first evaluation pilots

Programme evaluation and indicators

Interact, in collaboration with dedicated Interreg programmes, is excited to announce the launch of the first three evaluation pilots before summer. One of these three topics is ‘Harmonized Approach to Capture & Highlight the Added Value of Interreg’

The concept of "added value" within Interreg programmes has varied interpretations. Each programme has defined and interpreted added value differently. Therefore, we aim to unite several Interreg programmes to explore if a common understanding and definition of added value can be achieved. By joining forces, Interreg can present a stronger voice to the European Commission and stakeholders, enhancing visibility and facilitating the demonstration of added value. We invite programmes already signed up for this pilot to our upcoming meeting. For those yet to register, you still have the opportunity to participate.

Background information to the pilots

This pioneering initiative aims to bolster impact evaluations and foster the exchange of perspectives and methodologies among participating programmes. The pilot exercises will employ a bottom-up approach, allowing Interreg programmes to collectively select topics, methodologies, and key messages tailored to their specific needs and interests.

Objectives of the pilots:

·        Establishing Shared Understanding: Participating Interreg programmes will forge a shared understanding of aims, objectives, and desired outcomes.

·        Defining Common Evaluation Frameworks: They will define common evaluation questions, impact pathways, and core messages for communication to stakeholders and policymakers.

·        Agreeing on Unified Methods: Additionally, they will develop and agree upon a unified evaluation method and data collection process.

Join us to explore the added value of Interreg programmes. Your insights and participation are integral to shaping the future of Interreg programming.



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