Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Workshop on 'How to write a good article?'

Soft skills

This training brings together the IVYs volunteers collaborating on the next issue of 'Stories of European Cooperation'. Since not all of them have necessarily a strong communication background, it gives basic journalism principles on how to write effectively, structure and style to follow and how to come up with a good headline. The workshop also aims to learn about the features that makes a story newsworthy and to work together in the draft of the articles.

You can download the agenda here.


Start at: 04 June 2024 10:30

End at: 04 June 2024 12:30

End at: 04 June 2024 12:30

* All times as per central Europe (CET/CEST)




The meeting targets the young  Interreg volunteers who are writing an article for the 'Stories of European Cooperation' magazine, in the framework of the Interreg  Volunteer Youth (IVY) programme. Therefore, participation in the workshop is upon invitation only.

Register Here



The meeting targets the young  Interreg volunteers who are writing an article for the 'Stories of European Cooperation' magazine, in the framework of the Interreg  Volunteer Youth (IVY) programme. Therefore, participation in the workshop is upon invitation only.

Register Here


Start at: 04 June 2024 10:30

End at: 04 June 2024 12:30

End at: 04 June 2024 12:30

* All times as per central Europe (CET/CEST)




The meeting targets the young  Interreg volunteers who are writing an article for the 'Stories of European Cooperation' magazine, in the framework of the Interreg  Volunteer Youth (IVY) programme. Therefore, participation in the workshop is upon invitation only.

Register Here
