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Kick-off webinar of Interreg Slam 2024-2025 and Storytelling competition

Interreg Slam

The Interreg Slam is back! 

With the Kick-off webinar we will announce the Storytelling competition part of Interreg Slam 2024-2025. The training will involve an expert storyteller to help you craft your best stories. 

The webinar will be focusing on: 

     - the main novelties and features of the Interreg Slam 2024-2025;

     - the rules for application in the Storytelling competition;

     - introduction to the Storytelling training and coaching events, on 03 and 10 June.

You can find more details in the agenda available here. The registration for the webinar is open until 19.05.2024.

The Interreg Slam contest is now opened and will give you the opportunity to:

  • Win the production of a professional promo video, showcasing their project’s story;
  • Receive coaching by a top level expert in Storytelling and Video-making, and get certificates for both;
  • Win a trip to Nova Gorica / Gorizia (Slovenia / Italy), in March 2025 and take part in the Interreg GO! event;
  • Make live performance on a key European stage and to meet the best experts from the European Commission and the programme bodies of Interreg;
  • Benefit from Interact's publicity and reach millions of people.


To help you prepare your stories, we provide also two training webinars in June 2024, involving an expert storyteller. The events will be focusing on: 

  • the main novelties and features of the Interreg Slam 2024-2025;
  • the rules for application and contest;
  • training and coaching on storytelling. 

Applications must be submitted by using our Storytelling template, following the Instructions of its completion and its Rules. All documents are published with this announcement. 


Register here

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